Progesterone and Sore Breasts Posted on 20 Apr 01:08 , 0 comments
Breast pain with swelling and irritated hypersensitivity is a very common problem, and the vast majority of women will have some form of it. Breast pain is commonly associated with PMS, and happens because differences in hormonal levels affect the breast tissue. Breast pain is considered fibrocystic if the breasts are swollen or there are cysts, but these problems typically resolve at the end of menstruation.
Ovulation can be indicated by pain beneath the armpits, and pain close to the nipples indicates estrogen dominance, which prevents ovulation. Pain in both areas can indicate both ovulation and progesterone deficiency.
It is commonly thought that progesterone causes breast pain because progesterone levels are higher in the luteal phase, before menstruation. However, estrogen also occurs in high levels during this phase.
Dr. John R. Lee, MD believed that many types of breast pain and abnormalities could be traced back to excess levels of estrogen, and that applying natural progesterone over several cycles could reduce the symptoms. He cautioned against the use of synthetic progestins, which worsen the pain. This hypothesis has been reinforced by a 20-year study that correlated proper progesterone levels with decreased incidence of both breast cancer and other cancers.
A woman can have breast pain unrelated to the menstrual cycle; this pain typically occurs during menopause. It occurs in localized areas on the breast and typically is not a cancer symptom, but should still be discussed with one’s doctor.
Women can use the condition of their breasts to determine their own progesterone levels: breasts that are estrogen dominant can feel swollen and sore. Balanced hormone levels result in no notable abnormalities during menstruation.
If a woman is using a progesterone cream, caffeine and stress will make it take effect at a slower rate.
Breast tissue is high in veins, which means that progesterone will quickly spread throughout the breasts and other tissues when applied to the breasts themselves, working to reduce estrogen’s effects. Sore, cystic breasts should be treated with a natural, biogenetical progesterone cream, at a dosage of 40 mg per day for two to three months. Once symptoms begin to disappear, hormonal balance can be maintained with a dosage of 20 mg per day. Higher doses can continue if desired.
Although breast swelling and tenderness have been reported while using progesterone, it tends to dissipate over time as the proper dosage for an individual is found.
It is important to find a knowledgeable and skilled doctor with training in natural hormone replacement if you are experiencing hormonal imbalance, so that you can discover what works best for you and your health.